Meghan Claire

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Fitness Duo

Joe Bastin + Ryan King

Personal Trainers



Consisted of three sections; joint fitness class led by both of the men, then individual PT sessions with their clients.  The main aim of the photo session was to capture these two in action, for them to share “behind the scenes” images with their audience on social media platforms.  

It was a cold misty March morning in Andover, UK.  The two men ready for the sessions ahead, all prepared with their own personalised merchandise for their clients to wear during the shoot.  The aim of a photographer in this scenario, is for them to be able to enter a situation without disturbing it too much, to not become the centre of attention and to be able to blend into the background.  This was exactly what I needed to do in this situation as the focus was on Bastin and King, with a few prompts here and there to help create lines and a more cohesive visual aesthetic.  By not involving myself too much, by being a fly on the wall, I was able to capture images of them in their natural state, without any nerves about being in front of the camera.  I used this approach with the one-to-one sessions as well, however this time with a bit more prompting and manoeuvring to help them feel more comfortable and in control, through clear instruction and a constant flow of conversation.

I have recently taken an interest in getting fitter, therefore the opportunity to photograph and get a glimpse into different types of fitness coaching was good fun and very informative in my personal fitness journey. 


“Meghan was great at what she did. I liked that she moved us around to get the best out of each photo and you could tell she had thought about the shoot coming into it. Really happy with how the pictures have come out and I am excited to use them!” 


More info about these two men, check out their socials below.

Joe Bastin

Ryan King


Two young and upcoming personal trainers, striving to push their careers further by taking initiative through creating fitness classes, and investing in individuals who are looking to be fitter and healthier - both physically and mentally. 


“Working with Meghan was an absolute delight! She was very understanding as was able to capture exactly what I was after. Her passion really showed while working with her which I think really made our models feel at ease.”