Adventuring into the snow; disclaimer it is British snow so really not that much but enough to bring us so much joy, with Australian Wedding Photographer Meridith Amy Xu.
Photoshoots with friends, who are also photographers, are a great way to practice different techniques and to practice posing other people as well as ourselves - and learn from each other. As a photographer, I have found the best way to learn how to direct clients to get the best angles and vantage points to portray them in best way, and in a way which is authentic to them and their brand’s values - is to do it myself. To put myself in front of the camera and experiment with different angles and body positions, so when it comes to photographing you, my clients, I will know what looks good and what doesn’t, as well as what may feel a little uncomfortable but looks amazing in the camera.
Posing takes practice, being comfortable in front a lens takes practice which leads to confidence. Practice requires experimenting with weird and wonderful stances, to find the best tips and tricks to help my clients, you, feel great in front of the lens in the time we would have together.
I practice these techniques and tips, because body language plays a big part in how images are read, just like when having a conversation with another person around 80% of the information communicated about how another is feeling about a topic or situation is through their body language. By directing you into poses, I aim to help you to portray the emotion and personality you hope to your clients. For example, an easy way to show you are interested in a topic of conversation and what the other person has to say, is by leaning forward - leaning in to hear better - you can portray this too through an image, to show you are interested in your clients ideas and what they have to say.
Take a look through some of my favourite photos form this shoot in the snow with Wedding Photographer, Meridith Amy Xu.
Photo & Edit by Meridith Amy Xu, Wedding Photographer
Photo & Edit by Meridith Amy Xu, Wedding Photographer
Photo & Edit by Meridith Amy Xu, Wedding Photographer