Posts tagged Personal Branding Photography

Struggling with starting your business or how to market yourself? The best tip I got when I was first starting out, was to MAKE NOISE. If you don't , then who is else is going to. How will people get to know you? How will they know what you do if you don’t educate them? Why would they choose you over someone else, what makes you different? - The secret to the last question is … YOU. You are what makes you different to others in your industry. You are unique and you have value to bring, SO BRING IT! Read on to find out more….

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What could you get on a photoshoot for £300?

SO MUCH! You will get up to 30 edited digital images, an hour of fun, and hopefully a refresh in self confidence too!

This is ideal for businesses, families, couples, dog parents… Pretty much anyone!

Come and read a bit more of what you could get, and the journey you could embark on with me!

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MVH Design House

Working with other small businesses, helping them to improve their visual identity through telling their story through imagery. Here is a Client story from early 2021, the process, and what they thought of it. Looking for Headshots, Personalised branded images, by a professional photographer in the local area (Hampshire UK)

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